creative kids never get bored

Painting on canvas / Obraz na plátne

Painting on canvas / Obraz na plátne

Painting on canvas   At the beginning of summer we are bringing you ideas for creative refreshment. A set of very interesting child-friendly painting techniques that children will never get bored with. For Vivien’s great interest, we painted two images and certainly not the last ones. Material: canvas paint brushes – different sizes, from thickestPrečítajte si viac o Painting on canvas / Obraz na plátne[…]

Abstract painting for youngest / Abstraktné maľovanie pre najmenších

Abstract painting for youngest / Abstraktné maľovanie pre najmenších

Abstract painting for youngest This summer I decided to paint on canvas for the first time. I figured the time was ripe. Grandpa’s garden was the ideal place. In this article we will bring you some of our abstract artworks. As you can see some are really worth it and are already hanging on thePrečítajte si viac o Abstract painting for youngest / Abstraktné maľovanie pre najmenších[…]